
About Me!

            Hello there! I am Kaylee and I am a fulltime college student/single Mom! I am self taught at both of these and I feel like I am doing fairly well. Since I am really awful about talking about myself I thought that it would be fair to talk about the two main things that make me... well me (Mom and not being mom). I shall start off with the Mom part of me.      Lillian Lillian @ 2 years I became a mom when I was 24 to a beautiful baby girl 👧 named Lillian (pictured above). 🎉 She is now 10 and very much her own person. Having a child has been full of adventure and fun memories, as well as lots of apologizing to my parents. Creativity, patients and caffeine (lots of Caffeine) have been huge factors into the parenting life. The great part of her getting older is now we are able to share a lot of the same hobbies like video games, art and newly founded obsession with rock tumbling. 🎮We play lots of Minecraft, ROBLOX, Dead by Daylight, Fortnite and World of Warcraft. We go on l